时间:2018-09-15 16:08 点击:次
你必须登记增值税与英国税务海关总署(税务及海关总署)如果您的业务增值税应纳税额超过£85,000.。 本指南也可在威尔士(威尔斯语)。 当你登记,你会发增值税登记证书。这证实了:
你可以自愿登记如果你的成交额低于£八万五千,除非你卖的是豁免。如果你登记为有一定的责任增值税。 你的增值税责任从登记的有效期必须:
你也可以回收增值税你已经付出了一定的购买之前你注册。 当你等待的时候你不能充电或显示增值税在你的发票,直到你增值税数。然而,你还是要付的增值税到税务及海关总署在这段时间。
你应该增加你的价格让这告诉你的客户为什么。一旦你得到了你增值税你可以再补发发票显示增值税。 指南英文介绍:OverviewYou must register for VAT with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) if your business’ VAT taxable turnover is more than £85,000. This guide is also available in Welsh (Cymraeg). When you register, you’ll be sent a VAT registration certificate. This confirms:
You can register voluntarily if your turnover is less than £85,000, unless everything you sell is exempt. You’ll have certain responsibilities if you register for VAT. Your VAT responsibilitiesFrom the effective date of registration you must:
You can also reclaim the VAT you’ve paid on certain purchases made before you registered. While you waitYou can’t charge or show VAT on your invoices until you get your VAT number. However, you’ll still have to pay the VAT to HMRC for this period. You should increase your prices to allow for this and tell your customers why. Once you’ve got your VAT number you can then reissue the invoices showing the VAT.